The Types of Risk Levels in OSS RBA

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Understanding Risk Levels in Open-Source Software (OSS) Risk-Based Assessment (RBA)

Open-source software (OSS) is critical in today’s tech landscape, powering everything from small startups to large enterprises. However, with this widespread use comes the need for robust risk-based assessment (RBA). Why? Because open-source software can expose organizations to potential security, legal, and operational risks. By understanding the different risk levels in OSS RBA, you can effectively manage these challenges while leveraging the benefits of open-source technologies.

Let’s explore the types of risk levels commonly associated with OSS RBA.

1. Low Risk: Safe to Use with Minimal Oversight

Software that falls under the low-risk category generally poses minimal threats. This could be because the software has been around for years, has a strong community behind it, and is widely used across many sectors. Low-risk OSS is typically backed by reliable security updates and has minimal to no legal complications.

Example: A well-maintained, widely-adopted open-source library that has passed several security audits and is updated regularly by the community.

How to Manage It:

  • Keep software updated.
  • Conduct routine monitoring for vulnerabilities.
  • Ensure basic legal compliance (licenses, terms of use).

2. Moderate Risk: Use with Caution and Some Oversight

Moderate-risk software may require a bit more attention. While it may provide significant benefits, there are some concerns about security, maintainability, or legal issues. The community support might not be as strong, and updates may not be as frequent.

Example: A niche open-source framework used by a smaller group of developers, with infrequent updates and fewer contributors, but that still offers valuable features.

How to Manage It:

  • Regularly monitor for new security vulnerabilities.
  • Have a plan for legal compliance, especially if license terms are unclear.
  • Consider supplementing with internal resources to maintain the software in case it’s abandoned by the community.

3. High Risk: Proceed with Extreme Caution or Avoid Use

High-risk OSS is the kind you need to approach with extreme caution, or sometimes avoid entirely. It could have known security vulnerabilities that haven’t been fixed, a poor or non-existent maintenance team, or significant legal concerns, such as ambiguous or restrictive licensing terms.

Example: A piece of open-source software with critical vulnerabilities that haven’t been patched in years, limited developer support, or a license that conflicts with your organization’s needs.

How to Manage It:

  • Conduct thorough security assessments.
  • Ensure the license is fully compatible with your intended use.
  • Implement fallback solutions in case the software becomes unusable or unsupported.

4. Critical Risk: Do Not Use

Some open-source software may be deemed too risky to use at all. This category is rare but typically involves software that has severe vulnerabilities, lacks any kind of support, or has significant legal risks that can’t be mitigated.

Example: Software with a license that poses legal threats, such as viral licenses that require you to open-source your proprietary code or software that has been abandoned and no longer meets security standards.

How to Manage It:

  • Avoid using it.
  • Seek alternative solutions, either open-source or commercial.

Managing Risk in OSS: Best Practices

Effectively managing OSS risk starts with understanding the different levels of risk and applying appropriate controls. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Perform regular audits: Keep an eye on the OSS you’re using, especially in terms of security patches and legal compliance.
  • Have a risk management framework: Develop an internal risk-based assessment framework that ranks OSS based on security, legal, and operational risks.
  • Engage with the OSS community: A strong community can help reduce risk by providing patches, updates, and knowledge sharing.
  • Consider software lifecycle: Even widely used open-source projects can become obsolete. Always have an exit strategy or backup plan if support for the software is discontinued.


Incorporating OSS into your tech stack can be a game-changer, but it’s essential to understand and manage the risks associated with it. By identifying the risk levels—low, moderate, high, or critical—you can ensure your organization stays secure, legally compliant, and operationally efficient while still benefiting from the open-source revolution.

Whether you’re a startup or an enterprise, OSS risk-based assessment helps you make informed decisions that balance the advantages of open-source with the necessary precautions